Jenny Southgate

Jewellery Care

Jewellery Care - Hints and Tips

Take care to protect your jewellery to keep it looking lovely and avoid any damage:

  • Apply any cosmetics and scents before you put on your jewellery.  Skin and hair products can react with jewellery causing it to tarnish, discolour and possibly corrode.
  • Gemstone settings and fastenings are delicate by nature so take care not to force clasps and try not to pull at or fiddle with jewellery whilst wearing it.
  • Take care not to drop, bash or scratch pieces.
  • Check that fastenings are secure on necklaces and bracelets and that butterflies are tight on stud earrings, especially when changing clothing.
  • Remove jewellery before engaging in any form of physical exercise, including gardening or cleaning, to avoid any accidental damage.  Perspiration can also contribute to the tarnishing of your jewellery.
  • Water and chemicals found in swimming pools and natural springs will cause extreme tarnishing.  Always remove your jewellery before entering a pool, shower, spring or the sea.
  • Remove jewellery before going to bed.
  • When not wearing jewellery, always keep it in a soft pouch or jewellery box and out of direct sunlight.  When in transit, protect in a box or pouch.
  • Store jewellery separately so that pieces do not tangle, rub or scratch against each other.